Dear Textiles now has an audio component! You can find Dear Textiles episodes over at Spotify, Stitcher, Anchor, Apple podcasts and more! Yay!
The Dear Textiles logo is by Clarisse Hassan.
Episodes will be released biweekly. The first episode is about my journey to textiles and how they helped me feel again and connect with my creativity after being numb for a long, long time. You can hear it here.
For the second interview, I talk to Sigrún Bragaddóttir a teacher, artist, crafter and craftivist from Reykjavik, Iceland. We talk about using craft as way to heal and connect and about Sigrún’s own work and journey.
You can connect with Sigrún at her website, https://sigruncraftivist.com/ and on Instagram @sigruncraftivist and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sigruncraftivist/.
If you’d like updates for new podcast episodes, please sign up for my newsletter by clicking this link!