Textiles have been part of my life since learning to knit at the age of 4.
I have explored weaving, cross stitch and needlepoint, but crochet and knitting are my constant companions. Many years ago I discovered Tunisian crochet which is a complete marriage of knitting and crochet that produces a wonderful woven fabric. I have a passion for colour and found this a great medium for my designs.
As there were no patterns available for the colour inlay technique I was forced into designing my own pieces. There have been many missteps along the way, but I have learnt a lot. I worked as an occupational therapist in the field of psychiatry for 50 years, and am now enjoying being an education volunteer at the Textile Museum of Canada, such a joy.
The attached picture is of a crib blanket I made as a gift for my friend Doris’s grandchild. You will see a camel in one of the squares – that is a thank you for Doris introducing me to beautiful Morocco and our subsequent 7 trips together! The colours and designs of Morocco have had an enormous influence on my work as you will see from the picture attached below.

You can see more of Julia’s work over on fibrefantastics.com.